f:Entrepreneur #ialso Breakfast Series – Let’s Talk AWEsomeness

How would it feel to end your year AWEsome? This was the question that Carrie-Ann Wade (Cats Pajamas), Jane Galloway (Quiet the Hive) and Lorna Reeves (My oh My Events) of the AWEsome Women’s Retreat posed to us at the last breakfast session. These three awesome women are all #ialso alumni who not only run their own businesses, but have collaborated to support women who are at the start of their entrepreneur journey.

Accompanied by’ lovely cookies from Cutter & Squidge, we spent an hour with the AWEsome women exploring how to ensure we are raising our awareness, engaging our will and harnessing our energy to continue to drive forward our business for the last three months of the year.

With the nights drawing in, and the weather shifting, we can sometimes find that drive through to the end of the year a bit of a slog. With the tips that the AWEsome women shared though, we can ensure we are moving to the end of the year with energy on our side!

We kicked off with Lorna exploring how to raise your awareness.

All too often that important strategy and financials review slips as we make time to do the more ‘fun’ or ‘creative’ elements of our business. However, a great way to raise your awareness and to reconnect with your business aims is to do a bit of a financial review. By knowing your business numbers, you can review and track your progress to ensure you’re moving forwards. Lorna broke this down into a few key steps helping us to reflect on where we want to get to and what they small steps we can take to get there are.

Carrie-Ann led the second part of the session encouraging us to engage with our will.

Part of Carrie-Ann’s business fundamentals and values (which are definitely supported in AWEsome) is the strength of collaboration. She invites you to think about how you can collaborate to support your will for the rest of the year. Use collaboration as a way to keep you accountable, find your mojo and re-engage with your will and purpose.

The final element of the session was run by Jane exploring how to harness your energy as the nights draw in and it becomes more challenging to kick off that duvet in the morning!

Jane introduced us to five tools that we can use to really identify, tap into and build on our energy, including knowing our chronotype, doing an energy audit and identifying your angels and vampires!

It’s clear to see why these three work together with their own different energies and ideas sparking into something that is really beneficial to those that work with them.

If you missed the session, you can join them at 8:15pm on the 13th October and hear it for yourselves. Book your place via their Facebook community and find out more about the next retreat and how to book at www.awesomewomensretreat.com