f:Entrepreneur #iAlso 100
There is a growing trend, seen across society, for women creating new ways of working, and new measures of success for entrepreneurship. We are moving from the single job career to a world where it is possible and encouraged to do many things, often interconnecting, at the same time across the work and personal spectrum – and be passionate about them all. f:Entrepreneur thinks that this is something to be celebrated, so hence the #iAlso campaign was created.
Launching in 2018, the #iAlso100 campaign is now in its seventh year and celebrates the incredible range of UK female entrepreneur talent and has seen a significant growth in entries, reach, press coverage and awareness each year.
And this year, we are on a mission to impact significant growth of women starting their own businesses and want to see an increase from 20% to 30% of female-led businesses by 2030.
The ever-evolving f:Entrepreneur community is the at the heart of the campaign that is filled with collaboration, support, friendship and inspiration.
Each member of the #iAlso100 is showcased on f:Entrepreneur’s website and all social media platforms. There are exclusive monthly events for the community to attend and opportunities to host events, speak on panels throughout all of Small Business Britain’s campaigns, as well as dedicated press and PR support.
These opportunities raise the profile of the entrepreneurs, giving them a greater voice and access to policy makers in order to contribute to key issues impacting female business owners.
Entries for our #iAlso100 2026 will open in September 2025.
The f:Entrepreneur campaign is run by Small Business Britain – an organisation with a world class track record in conception, management and execution of high profile, national campaigns in the small business and enterprise sectors.
#iAlso 100 2026 | Campaign Timeline |
1st September 2025 | #iAlso 100 2026 campaign open |
30th September 2025 | Entry deadline |
January 2026 | #iAlso 100 announced |
March 2026 | Celebratory event coinciding with International Women’s Day |

Celebrating International Women’s Day at the House of Lords with the new #iAlso100 2024!
A very special day.

#iAlso100 2024 Erin Thomas Wong addressed the audience at the House of Lords where we celebrated Small Business Britain’s Small & Mighty programme.

#iAlso100 Tessa Day, founder of Club Hub, receiving the Digital Star award at 2024’s Small Awards!

#iAlso100 Ameila Peckham giving a key note speech at the launch of The Lilac Review’s Interim Report Launch in May at the Royal Society.

#iAlso100 Victoria Jenkins is the co-chair for The Lilac Review and is here talking to fellow #iAlso100 Seema Flower.

Small Business Britain runs a fabulous Netwalk series and this was the picture from a recent Bristol walk, led by #iAlso100 Beck Prior!

#iAlso100 Elle Carcamo speaking alongside her husband about their business journey so far at Small Business Britain’s Small Business Green Growth launch.

Some of our incredible disabled entrepreneurs who are part of the #iAlso100 community at the House of Lords celebrating their success!

#iAlso100 2023 Nichola Threadgold addressing the new #iAlso100 2024 at the House of Lords sharing her story.

Some of or wonderful #iAlso100s joined us for a very special chocolate making workshop at Melt in the lead up to Small Business Saturday 2024!

An example of the monthly webinars we host featuring members of the #iAlso community covering topics specifically for small businesses.

Some of the amazing #iAlso100s at our bowling day in London – bowling, food, drinks and karaoke!

Members of the #iAlso100 community set the seas with a special event on the Thames!

Some of the wonderful #iAlso100s taking part in a panel at eBay’s Small Business Roadshow that visited cities all over the UK.

Two of our wonderful #iAlso100s taking part in the panel for Small Business Britain’s Unlocking Digital Potential report launch.

Every Tuesday morning at 9am on Instagram, we are live chatting to one of our #iAlso100s all about their story, their business and their insight – always a great watch!
#ialso 100 2020 – Campaign Timeline
1st September 2019 – #ialso 100 2020 campaign open
31st October 2019 – Entry deadline
January 2020 – #ialso 100 announced
March 2020- Celebratory event coinciding with International Women’s Day
Name | Business | Website |
Aldis Firman | Lilou et Loic | https://www.lilouetloic.com/ |
Alison Edgar | The Entrepreneur’s Godmother | https://entrepreneursgodmother.com/ |
Annie Brooks | Sister Snog | http://www.sistersnog.com/ |
Antoinette Dale Henderson | The Gravitas Programme | https://gravitasprogramme.com/ |
Anya Ledwith | Eshcon | http://www.eshcon.co.uk/ |
Ariane Eva Morin | CCJM Consulting | CCJM Consulting | LinkedIn |
Bala Croman | The Chocolate Cellar | https://www.thechocolatecellar.co.uk/ |
Becky Dell | Becky Dell Music Academy | http://beckydellmusicacademy.co.uk/ |
Beth Giles | Giles Gallery | http://www.gilesgallery.com/ |
Carole Seawert | Carole Seawert – copywriter | http://caroleseawert.co.uk/ |
Caroline Gowing | Pink Spaghetti | https://www.pink-spaghetti.co.uk/ |
Caroline Kenyon | The Food Awards Company | http://www.thefoodawardscompany.co.uk/ |
Carolyn Mandache | Time2Dine | https://www.time2dine.uk/#/ |
Cate Walter | Rhino Safety | https://rhinosafety.co.uk/ |
Catherine Ann Reid | Life’s Back Up | http://lifesbackup.com/ |
Catherine Williams | Popcat’s Music Time Ltd | http://www.popcats.co.uk/ |
Cheryl Laidlaw | London Web Girl | http://londonwebgirl.com/ |
Christine Hope | Hopes of Longtown | http://www.hopesoflongtown.co.uk/shoplocal30 |
Claire Harris | Pets 2 Places | https://pets2places.co.uk/ |
Claire Hearn | Rose & Olive | https://www.roseandolive.co.uk/ |
Clara Bentata | Lucy and Belle | https://www.lucyandbelle.com |
Clare Talbot-Jones | Talbot Jones | https://talbotjones.co.uk/ |
Colleen Wong | My Gator Watch | http://www.mygatorwatch.com |
Daisy White | Daisy White Author Ltd | https://daisywhiteauthor.co.uk/ |
Debbi Wood | Strength Cards | https://www.strengthcards.co.uk |
Debbie Clarke | debbiedooodah | https://debbiedooodah.co.uk/ |
Debbie Gilbert | Mums UnLtd | https://mumsunltd.co.uk/ |
Deborah Turner | You Image Consultancy | https://youimageconsultancy.co.uk/ |
Dee Gibson | Velvet Orange | http://velvetorange.co.uk/ |
Diane Bardega | The Mamahood | https://themamahood.co.uk/ |
Dominique Tillen | Brush-Baby | https://brushbaby.co.uk/ |
Emma Connell | Cara Lou Paper Cuts | https://caraloucuts.co.uk |
Emma Garrett | Pavilion in the Park | http://www.pavilion.attheparkbedford.co.uk/ |
Farrah Allarakha | Neo Elegance | https://www.neoelegance.co.uk |
Faye Watts | Faye Watts | https://www.fayewatts.com/ |
Fiona Simpson | ARTventurers | https://www.artventurers.co.uk/ |
Francesca Gubbay | Stamptastic | https://stamptastic.co.uk/ |
Grace Anighoro | Marvellous Mix Chin Chin | https://www.marvellousmix.co.uk/what-is-chin-chin |
Hammie Tappenden | In to Biz | https://intobiz.co.uk/ |
Hana Glover | The Bead Shop (Nottm) Ltd | https://www.mailorder-beads.co.uk/ |
Hela Wozniak-Kay | Sister Snog | http://www.sistersnog.com/ |
Helen Cuinn | Mary Cuinn of Scots | http://www.marycuinnofscots.com/ |
Jane Baker | Jane Baker Coach | http://www.janebakercoach.com |
Jenette Spirovski | Travel Options 4 U | www.traveloptions4u.co.uk |
Jennifer Bailey | Calla Shoes | www.callashoes.co.uk |
Jennifer Corcoran | My Super Connector | http://www.mysuperconnector.co.uk |
Jennifer Hardie | Jennifer Hardie | http://jenniferhardie.me |
Jennifer Walker | The Split Screen Coffee Company | http://www.thesplitscreencoffee.co.uk |
Jess Sands | The InDependent Spouse | https://theindependentspouse.co.uk |
Jo Tocher | Life After Miscarriage | https://life-after-miscarriage.com/ |
Joanna Miller | Bespoke Verse | https://www.bespokeverse.co.uk/ |
Jules Gray | Hop Hideout | http://www.hophideout.co.uk/ |
Julianne Ponan | Creative Nature | https://www.creativenaturesuperfoods.co.uk/ |
Katherine George | Oh So Social | https://ohsosocialmarketing.co.uk/ |
Katherine Jenner | Burning Barn Ltd | https://burning-barn.myshopify.com/ |
Katie Haskett | Kakes and Bakes | http://kakesandbakes.co.uk/ |
Katie Mace and Kirsty Kershaw (sisters) | Leadnenham Teahouse | https://www.leadenhamteahouse.co.uk/ |
Katie Smith | ||
Kenda Macdonald | Automation Ninjas | https://www.automationninjas.com |
Kerry Ferguson | Gwe Cambrian Web | www.cambrianweb.com |
Kim McDermottroe | Greener Lavelle | http://greenerlavelle.co.uk/ |
Lauren Pavey | The Doghouse | http://www.the-doghouse.org/ |
Lesley Moss | Northsouth Design | https://northsouthdesign.co.uk/ |
Linda Howley | Angel Jewellery | |
Lisa Conway-Hughes | Westminster Wealth Management | https://www.westminster-wealth.com/ |
Lisa Orban | Golden Notebook | http://www.goldennotebook.co.uk/ |
Liz Wilson | Ma Baker | http://www.mabaker.london/ |
Lou Hamilton | Create Lab | http://createlab.co.uk/ |
Louise Deverell-Smith | Daisy Chain | https://daisy-chain.com/ |
Lucy Hutchings Hunt | SYSTEMYZED | https://www.systemyzed.com/ |
Lynda Case | Rock Follies Vintage | http://www.rockfolliesvintage.co.uk |
Marina Gask | Audrey Online | https://www.audreyonline.co.uk/ |
Mayoni Byrne | The Clinic by Dr Mayoni | https://www.drmayoni.co.uk/ |
Melanie Bryan | Why Not Change Ltd | http://www.whynotchange.co.uk/ |
Minal Patel | Marketing by Minal | www.marketingbyminal.com |
Minoti Parikh | This Pampered Life | https://www.thispamperedlife.com/ |
Nancy Hitzig | Nancy Hitzig Agency | https://nancyhitzig.com |
Naomi Wallen | DanceMatters | www.dance-matters.co.uk |
Natalie Meyer | Tokyoesque | https://tokyoesque.com |
Nicola Case | Pink Spaghetti Milton Keynes and Surrounds | https://www.pink-spaghetti.co.uk/contact-us/pa-service-milton-keynes/ |
Orla McKeating | Boden Park Coffee Company and Roastery | http://bodenparkcoffeeco.com/ |
Paola Hobson | InSync Technology Ltd | http://www.insync.tv/ |
Patti Smith | Smithies Deli & Gin Emporium | https://visitangus.com/smithies-deli-gin-emporium/ |
Paula E Cassady-Bishop | Mrs Bishop’s Doggy Deli | http://www.mrsbishops-doggydeli.co.uk |
Paula Gardner | The Bitch Network | www.thebitchnetwork.com |
Pippa Downing | Runach Arainn | https://www.runacharainn.com/ |
Rebecca Neal | Wheels4dogs | https://wheels4dogs.co.uk/ |
Rin Hamburgh | Rin Hamburgh & Co | https://www.rin-hamburgh.co.uk/ |
Roni Savage | Jomas Associates | www.jomasassociates.com |
Roseanna Croft | Roseanna Croft Jewellery | https://www.roseannacroftjewellery.com/ |
Rushina Shah | Not Corn | https://www.notcorn.co.uk/ |
Sarah Ali Choudhury | Sarah Ali Choudhury | http://sarahalichoudhury.com |
Sinead Sharkey-Steenson | Generation Women | http://www.genwomen.global/ |
Siobhan Dowd | Siobhan Dowd | http://siobhandowd.com/ |
Stacia Keogh | StoryPreZ | http://www.storyprez.co.uk/ |
Teresa Boughey | Jungle HR | https://www.junglehr.com/ |
Trusha Patel | Špice Sanctuary | http://www.spicesanctuary.com |
Vicky Glanville | Marketing Harmony | https://marketingharmony.co.uk/ |
Victoria Monaghan | Taste Collectiv | https://thefreshsauce.co/ |
Victoria Rothwell | The Beautiful Method Ltd | https://www.thebeautifulmethod.co.uk/ |
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Entries close midnight on Monday 31st October 2018.